- What is a white paper?
- A white paper is a report on a topic given by an individual
or group with authority on the topic, typically to explain the
results of a development effort, product or a particular procedure.
Companies often publish white papers to explain newly developed
technologies and can include an explanation of how the technology
was developed, how it is used, benchmark and other testing results
for the technology, statistical analyses, and other information.
Companies often use white papers to advertise their services
to customers. They are also used to educate or share information
about certain industry techniques or approaches to applying solutions
to various tasks, jobs or challenges.
- SprinklerTech Inc.
White Papers
- Our white papers fall into the latter portion of the above
description. Fire prevention has long been a business of competition.
Thus passing knowledge and experience between designers is rare.
Here at SprinklerTech
we try to look at the bigger picture and greater benefits of
sharing knowledge to save lives, property and company assets.
We hope these papers can provide insight for both those new to
the business and those who have been designing for years. As
well as, those who may not normally think about sprinkler designs,
such as home owners, business managers and architects.